We paint and carry out finishing construction works in houses, villas, apartments, commercial and office premises. We bring freshness, beauty and harmony to your walls, ceilings, facades, windows and floors.

“We are skilled craftsmen — precise and conscientious. “
Interior and exterior painting
Window and door painting
Floor and staircase painting
Furniture painting
Industrial and office painting
Wallpaper and wall covering
Renovation work
Contact us
“We are at the beginning of many stories and would love to be a part of yours too.“
“Our story is the story of
hundreds of clients”
“Our story is the story of hundreds of clients who have already benefited from our services. It’s the story of a simple evening in an armchair in front of the television or a morning coffee in a freshly painted kitchen. Perhaps it’s the story of joy over a child’s first fallen tooth on the wooden floor we varnished or another mark on a beautiful door frame accompanied by a sigh, ‘You’ve grown so much…’ It’s the story of newlyweds and their first shared apartment, still pristine and white, but undeniably ‘theirs’…”
Karol Kováč, Owner
Commercial register of the Municipal Court
Bratislava III, Oddiel:Sro Vložka číslo: 168080/B
Pro project EU s.r.o.
Pri vinohradoch 269/G, 831 06 Bratislava
Office: Nám. A Hlinku 1, 831 06 Bratislava
IČO: 43840451 / DIČ: 2022493308
Pro project EU s.r.o.
Schaapsdreef 38, Kortrijk, Belgium
VAT: BE0677.683.372